Jaqueline Fleming and a group of smiling people

Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP)

IP centralisation and a modern collaboration platform, upgrade and streamline EYDAP’s communications infrastructure.

  • 국가: 그리스
  • 산업: 정부 기관
  • 해결책: 비즈니스 연속성, 클라우드 커뮤니케이션, 통합 커뮤니케이션, Digital Dividends

The Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP), the largest company of its kind in Greece, serves 4.4 million customers. Its water supply network extends more than 14,000 km of water pipelines, and the sewerage network is almost 9,900 km. Founded in 1980 through the merger of the "Hellenic Water Company" and the "Greater Athens Sewerage Organisation", the company has 2400 employees and 30 offices throughout Athens and the surrounding metropolitan area.

Our strategic goal is the digital transformation of EYDAP. That is why we chose the IP centralisation solution by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and its Rainbow platform.
Effie Nestorides, Executive Director of Digital Governance, EYDAP

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